Ahad 29 Apr 2012 21:47 WIB

Justin Bieber's statement sparks controversy here

Rep: Erik Purnama Putra/Ghalih Huriarto/Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Justin Bieber draws controversy among his fans in Indonesia. (photo file)
Foto: Reuters/Jason Redmond
Justin Bieber draws controversy among his fans in Indonesia. (photo file)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Justin Bieber's statement on Indonesia sparked different responses from his fans and music industry here. A fan, Adit (19 years) regretted Bieber's statement. 

"As a young icon, his creativity can be an a good example, but this is not the first time he made such mess. He once said some inappropriate thing to his fans," he said.

During an interview, Justin called Indonesia as a “random country”. He also claimed that the record quality in Indonesia was bad.

Yet, his other fans, Nurfithri (22 years), shares different perspective. She believes that the news probably just a hoax. "He is so famous. Many people can say bad things about him. When he made a concert in Indonesia, he said that he loved Indonesia. He would not say bad thing about Indonesia," she said firmly.

Meanwhile, Radio Kiss FM banned Bieber's songs as a protest over his statement. Cited from Justinbieberzone.com, the Executive Producer of Kiss FM, Anggi Simanjuntak, said his tone of voice was very insulting. Kiss FM broadcaster's Bea Lubis said she could revoke the ban only if Bieber apologized to Indonesia.


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