Ahad 28 Oct 2012 22:00 WIB

Ismail Haniya welcomes volunteers coming to Gaza

Leader of Gaza, Ismail Haniya, on Saturday holds a gathering at home where he can meet with volunteers from various countries.
Foto: Republika/Subroto
Leader of Gaza, Ismail Haniya, on Saturday holds a gathering at home where he can meet with volunteers from various countries.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, GAZA – Gazan leader, Ismail Haniyah, welcomes volunteers from Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Austria, Algeria, Kuwait, and other countries who come to Gaza. About 200 volunteers came to Haniyah's lunch invitation on Saturday. 

Glad for the visit, Haniyah said the act strengthened the spirit of Gaza people, as reported by Subroto from Republika. He explained that Gaza was more open with the flux of incoming volunteers. The border of Rafah Egypt is also in better condition. The wall that divided Egypt and Gaza has collapsed.

Among others, Indonesian volunteers attended the meeting were from Medical Emergency Resque Committee (MER-C) and National Committee for Palestine (KNRP).



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