Kamis 18 Apr 2013 21:27 WIB

VP visited by Japanese sumo athletes

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Three sumo athletes visit Vice President Boediono at the palace in Jakarta on Thursday, to mark 55 years of friendship between two countries. (illustration)
Foto: Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo
Three sumo athletes visit Vice President Boediono at the palace in Jakarta on Thursday, to mark 55 years of friendship between two countries. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -  Three Japanese sumo athletes, Kosaku Satoyama, Takayuki Minami and Baruto Kaito met Vice President Boediono at the Vice Presidential Palace in Jakarta on Thursday. The three wrestlers were wearing black kimonos, Japanese tradional clothing. Hiroshi Kikuchi, a sumo referee, also participate in the occasion.

They were accompanied by the Chairman of the Indonesia-Japan Friendship Association, Rachmat Gobel; Deputy Ambassador of Japan to Indonesia, Makita Shimokaw; Deputy Ambassador of Japan to ASEAN, Takako Ito, and President of Gotanda Denshi, Takuji Yoshida as a promoter. Gobel said that their arrival to report Vice President related to celebration of 55th Indonesia-Japan diplomatic relations this year.

"We plan to hold a Sumo tournament here," Gobel said on Thursday. He expects that the tournament will boost relations and friendship between two countries. 

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