Rabu 12 Nov 2014 19:38 WIB

Indonesia seeks seven golds in Asian Beach Games

Rep: Wahyu Syahputra/Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Minister of Youth and Sports Imam Nahrawi (file)
Foto: C65/Republika
Minister of Youth and Sports Imam Nahrawi (file)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- About 104 Indonesian athletes are ready to compete in Asian Beach Games (ABG) 2014, scheduled to take place in Phuket, Thailand, from November 14-23. The contingent seeks to win seven gold medals in the fourth agenda.

Minister of Youth and Sports Nahrawi said, during the previous ABG, Indonesia secured six golds, six silvers and four bronzes. 

"We expect to win more," he said on Tuesday, November 11.

Out of 26 events, Indonesia will participate in 17, including athletics, jet ski, swimming, sports climbing, triathlon, sailing, water ski, bodybuilding, paragliding, pentaque, beach woodball, sepak takraw, beach volley, water polo, squash, beachwrestling, and jujitsu.

Indonesia Woodball Association (IWbA) is optimistic that Indonesia will win gold medals in the event. Woodball coach Kriswantoro hopes the team will win at least one gold. "We have won several championships since September. That is a warm up for us," he said.

Meanwhile, All-Indonesian Wrestling Managers Association (PGSI) hopes all six athletes competing in wrestling can snatch gold medals. "We only won a silver and three bronzes in previous one," he said.


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