Sabtu 13 Aug 2016 02:10 WIB

Public Health England issues framework on electric cigarettes consumption

Red: Citra Listya Rini
Electric cigarettes.
Foto: AP
Electric cigarettes.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA  --  On July 6th, 2016, during the National Stakeholder Symposium on Electronic Cigarette in the UK, the British health advocacy executive institute, Public Health England, published a framework for the business and the companies as a cornerstone for the company’s policy regarding the use of electronic cigarettes in the work environment.

This framework is expected to encourage companies to evaluate the potential benefits and risks of electric cigarette consumption in each company prior to issuing policies related to electric cigarette. The presence of this framework is considered very important given the high number of electric cigarette consumer in the UK today which has reached 2.8 million.

The framework is considered by many parties as affirmation to the opinion which claims electric cigarette as safer alternative to conventional smoking.

In its press release, Public Health England Emphasizes the fundamental difference of the consumption of electric cigarettes and conventional cigarettes for both active smokers and passive smokers. Additionally, they also emphasized the lack of proof confirming electric cigarette as gateway of conventional smoking.