Jumat 30 Sep 2016 21:42 WIB

Ouch! Someone spread pornographic video in digital media advertising screen

Rep: RR Laeny Sulistyawati, c39/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
A netizen uploading a photo of videotron (digital media) in the intersection of Prapanca Raya Street which showing pornographic video on Friday (9/30).
Foto: Twitter
A netizen uploading a photo of videotron (digital media) in the intersection of Prapanca Raya Street which showing pornographic video on Friday (9/30).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Jakarta Police have arrested a man allegedly spread pornographic video in a full-motion digital media screen at the intersection of Wijaya Street-Pangeran Antasari Street, South Jakarta.

The video was played for 20 minutes on Friday (9/30) afternoon at around 14,40 local time.

Shocked to see such indecent content in public place, the people tried to stop the video by turning off the power switch in the digital media pole.

South Jakarta Communications Services, Information and Public Relations Head, Lestari Ady Wiryono, said the 24 metre digital media owned by PT Matapena Komunika Advertama. The content was subcontracted to PT Transito Adiman Jati Advertising located at Kompas Gramedia Building, West Palmerah, West Jakarta.

"Currently, the billboard display is turned off, but the South Jakarta City Administration assume the case seriously," Lestari said.

Then, after coordinated with the South Jakarta Tax department, Jakarta Police's cyber crime came to PT Transito Adiman Jati Transito Advertising on Friday (30/9).

The police are still investigating the case. No further information available at the moment.

So far, there is no official statement from PT Transito Adiman Jati Advertising.

Based on available data, there are 58 LED advertisement billboards spread in South Jakarta.

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