Sabtu 15 Nov 2014 22:35 WIB

President Jokowi not worried about unpopular fuel subsidy policy

Foto: Republika/ Yasin Habibi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BRISBANE -- Indonesian President Joko Widodo, better known as Jokowi, has stated that members of his government are not worried about creating an unpopular plan to reduce fuel oil subsidies.

During a gathering with the Indonesian community in Brisbane on Friday night, Jokowi remarked that the government did not worry about the unpopular policy, as long it was beneficial for the people.

"The fuel oil subsidy is a problem. The budget for the fuel oil subsidy during the past five years was Rp714 trillion, for infrastructure Rp570 trillion, and for health Rp220 trillion," Jokowi said.

The president noted that such a large amount of funds for the fuel oil subsidy could be diverted to irrigation, seeds, and fertilizers for farmers, or to fishing boats, machines and cold storage for fishermen, rather than for fuel oil subsidies for those who have cars.

"If we give a true and reasonable explanation, the people will accept it," President Jokowi said, adding that he did not worry about whether his popularity would decline following the creation of an unpopular policy.

He noted that the public?s interest should be the top priority, and the budget should be right on target.

Jokowi added that if a one year budget was Rp433 trillion, and Rp400 billion for irrigation, it would be enough to build 1,000 dams, or to build a railway network in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua.

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