Ahad 12 Apr 2015 09:34 WIB

16 foreign leaders request for AAC bilateral meeting

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Arrmanatha Nasir
Foto: Antara/Teresia May
Arrmanatha Nasir

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- At least 16 foreign leaders have requested to hold bilateral talks with President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo on the sidelines of the Asian-African Conference (AAC), a spokesman for the Foreign Affairs Ministry said.

The summit is scheduled to be held in Jakarta on April 22 and 23.

The leaders include heads of states/governments of China, Myanmar, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Iran, Palestine, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Egypt, Nepal, Jordan, Swaziland, Japan, and Seychelles, the ministry's spokesman, Arrmanatha Nasir, told the press here on Friday.

As the host, Indonesia will provide 12 special rooms at the Jakarta Convention Hall for leaders attending the AAC 2015 to hold bilateral meetings.