Ahad 26 Apr 2015 20:34 WIB

Indonesia needs Rp2 thousand trillion for energy development

Sudirman Said
Foto: ROL/Fian Firatmaja
Sudirman Said

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAMBI -- The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Sudirman Said stated Indonesia needs at least RP2,000 trillion to develop renewable energy for the next 20 years.

"Indonesia is rich in natural resources since 20 years ago, and for the next 20 years, the country needs RP2,000 trillion to develop renewable energy to fulfill the people's needs for energy," Sudirman said here on last Saturday (25/4).

The minister made the remarks when delivering his speech during the inauguration of a City Gas program in Jambi City.

According to the minister, Indonesia has many sources for the development of renewable energy such as hydro, geothermal, and solar energy.

Minister Sudirman Said noted that Indonesia should not only depend on fossil fuel energy, but also on utilizing renewable energy.

"Indonesia only has a natural gas reserve of 0.2 percent of the total global reserves. We import oil commodity and will also import gas. Thus, we shouldn't depend on fossil fuels, but on utilizing renewable energy," Sudirman said.

The minister said the City Gas program is aimed eliminating the use of Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) and kerosene due to the fact that its price is more expensive.

"The government will eliminate the use of gas cylinders in the long run in cities. However, we will gradually stop the use of gas cylinders in suburban along with the development of renewable energy. It means that with a bigger subsidy we can save more budget," Sudirman said.

The ministry has the target to install gas distribution networks to 4,000 houses. However, the government has so far installed gas distribution pipeline networks to 300 houses in Jambi. The ministry plans to install gas line to 4,000 houses next August.

"The project is funded using the State Budget to divert gas and kerosene usage. The natural gas is cheaper than other energy. I hope 4,000 houses in Jambi can receive gas through the network gradually," the minister said.

Sudirman said the ministry is targeting to distribute gas to 7.9 million houses in Indonesia. To date, it has provided gas distribution lines for 90 thousand houses.

"There are no people who do not need energy and I believe by using natural gas, small industry will grow fast due to cheap price of gas," Sudirman said.

He added the people can save RP40 thousand per month by using the three-kilogram gas cylinders.

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