Ahad 31 May 2015 20:20 WIB

Minister urges companies to give THR before Eid

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Hanif Dhakiri
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
Hanif Dhakiri

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Manpower Minister M. Hanif Dhakiri confirmed the payment of holiday allowance (THR) for workers/laborers on Eid al-Fitr 2015, should be provided by the company. THR payment is compulsory for all companies in accordance with the Regulation of Manpower Minister Number PER.04 / MEN / 1994.

The rules, said Hanif, said that any company employing the workers or labors was required to provide THR of religious holiday to workers whom already have a working period of three months continuously or more. Based on these regulations, workers or labors have worked for 12 months or more were entitled to receive THR for one month wage.

"Workers in the status of outsourcing, contract, or permanent workers are entitled to receive religious holiday allowance (THR). In THR payment there is no difference of work status, "he said in Jakarta, on Sunday, May 31.

As for the employees who work period of more than three months and less than 12 months, THR must be given proportionally. In fact, according to the rules, for workers whom fired in a time limit of 30 days before the religious holiday, remain entitled to THR.

Meanwhile to THR on this year, Hanif urged companies in order to expedite the payment of THR Eid al-Fitr, at least two weeks before Eid.

"We urged to accelerate THR payments so that workers can greet joyfully Eid al-Fitr and prepare it earlier and better this year,"he said.

With acceleration of THR granting, Hanif said, the workers could prepare themselves when returning home. Therefore, for the purposes of any homecoming tickets usually must be purchased before the holiday.

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