Kamis 16 Jul 2015 13:24 WIB

BPK says funds problem of 'Pilkada'

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) submitted the results of the audit Examination with Specific Purpose (PDTT) on the General Election Commission (KPU), on Monday, July 13. The audit results were presented by BPK Chairman, Harry Azhar Haris to leaders of the House of Representative (DPR).

The BPK audit was checking about the readiness of simultaneous local elections (Pilkada) on late December 2015 by KPU. From the results of the audit, BPK concluded that the availability of funds was believed could not support the entire execution of the election. In addition, BPK concluded, the provision of human resources or infrastructure including institutional aspects have not been believed could support the entire local elections.

"The availability of the budget is believed can support the entire execution of the simultaneous local elections in 2015," said the chairman of BPK in the release to Republika, on Monday, July 13.

PDRT was conducted by BPK at the request of the House of Representatives in accordance with Letter of DPR Chairman Number PW / 0706 / DPR / RI / V / 2015 dated May 21, 2015. The examination was intended to assess the readiness of the execution of the simultaneous local elections in accordance with Law Number 8 of 2015.

The scope of the examination included a readiness provision of budget, human resources, and other readiness on KPU, the General Elections Supervisory Board, KPUD, Local Government in the 269 Provinces/Districts/Cities, as well as the Home Affairs Ministry, and the Constitutional Court.

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