Jumat 28 Aug 2015 03:31 WIB

Foreign workers must speak Indonesian to local workers

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MATARAM –- Head of Social Department of Manpower and Transmigration of Mataram, H Ahsanul Khalik, said President should think twice in issuing policies related to the deletion of the use of Indonesian for foreign workers.

“Don’t let this policy be a problem in regions," he said, Wednesday (26/8).

Khalik said that foreign workers must understand Indonesian, in order to make local workers and local citizens understand what they have to say. The regulation has been stated in Law Number 13 of 2013 on Manpower.

"What was already stated in regulation, have to be implemented consistently in regions," he added.

He explained that issuing business license for foreign businessmen in Mataram is not a problem, as long as the company give benefits for the local citizens.

“If the foreign companies come and give advantages for improving local economy, then why not?” he said.

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