Senin 31 Aug 2015 21:57 WIB

OC Kaligis bribe to Judges of Medan Administrative Court given gradually

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Otto Cornelis Kaligis
Foto: Antara/Sigid Kurniawan
Otto Cornelis Kaligis

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA –- Otto Cornelis (OC) Kaligis had gradually given bribes to judges and clerk of Medan State Administrative Court. The judges were Tripeni Irianto Putro, Dermawan Ginting, and Amir Fauzi, and the clerk  was Syamsir Yusfan.

It was said by Public Prosecutor of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Yudi Kristiana, in hearing of the cases in court of corruption, Monday (31/8). Kaligis undergoes hearing of the charges today, after he refused the hearing on 20th August 2015 due to illness.

In the hearing, Yudi explained that OC Kaligis gave bribe to the judges gradually when Kaligis consulted the case to  Tripeni Irianto Putro, because the case was considered as new case. Then Kaligis gave 5,000 Singapore dollars.

Kaligis also gave 1,000 US dollars to clerk of Medan State Administrative Court, Syamsir Yusfan. On 5th May 2015, Kaligis met Tripeni and gave some books of him with white envelope, containing 10 thousand US dollars. He aimed at Tripeni to become judges of his case.

On 1st July 2015, the Secretary and the Head of Administration of OC Kaligis and Associates, Yenny Octarina Misnan, reported to Kaligis related to receipt of 30 thousand US dollars and 50 US million (a total of about Rp 455 million) from North Sumatra governor's wife, Evy Susanti.

Kaligis ever told his staff, who was also lawyers, Moh Yagari Bhastara a.k.a Gary to give two books with a white envelope, containing 5,000 US dollars to Dermawan Ginting, Amir Fauzi, Tripeni, and Syamsir Yusfan.

On Thursday, 9th July 2015, Gary gave an envelope again, containing  5,000 US dollars to Tripeni. After delivering the money, he was arrested by KPK.

At the trial, OC Kaligis was charged with law article 6 paragraph 1 letter a or Article 13 of Act No. 31 as amended by Act No. 20 of 2001 on Corruption Eradication in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code  in conjunction with Article 64 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.

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