Selasa 06 Oct 2015 19:26 WIB

Transmigration to become solution for Indonesian problems

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The transmigration program for next five years announced by the Ministry of Rural, Disadvantaged Areas and Transmigration is expected to be one of the solutions of Indonesian problems. There are some positive aspects of this transmigration program.

"The transmigration program is expected to contribute to the development village, district, regency/city, province, to accelerate the economic growth in new regions as prime mover of the regional economy," said Secretary General of the Ministry of Rural, Anwar Sanusi, Monday (5/10).

In addition to accelerating the economic growth, he said, transmigration program will also support the agrarian reform (Asset Reform and Access Reform), by legalizing migrants land assets that have not been certified ± 0.6 million hectares (260 thousand hectares not yet have management rights and 340,940 fields not yet have certificate of property rights).

Transmigration program, he added, is also expected to accelerate the development of border regions by developing new models of settlement units.

"This program is preferred to restore villages that are still underdeveloped. It will accelerate the realization of Independent Village," he said.

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