Ahad 27 Dec 2015 09:59 WIB

President Jokowi inaugurates agency building in Wamena

Rep: Fira Nursya'bani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/Yasin Habibi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAYAPURA -- President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), was scheduled to inaugurate a number of projects in Wamena, Jayawijaya. Regional Secretary of Jayawijaya John Walilo said, the first project that would be inaugurated by the President on Wednesday (30/12) was an autonomous agency building "Wenehule Huby" which spent about Rp 150 billion.

The seven-stories building was the tallest building in Papua, which would be occupied by 12 autonomous agencies. Walilo added that the construction was carried out since 2013.

"In addition to inaugurate the building, President Jokowi will also inaugurate the extension of Wamena Airport," Walilo explained.

According to him, the extension of the airport was made, so that the Boeing aircraft 200 and 500 series can be landed in the Baliem Valley. Wamena Airport extension construction was using central government budget.

President Jokowi and his entourage were scheduled to visit three cities in 28th to 31st December, namely Sorong (West Papua), Wamena and Merauke.

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