Senin 13 Feb 2017 08:32 WIB

Habib Rizieq to present at Bandung Police Headquarters

Rep: Djoko Suceno/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Imam Besar Front Pembela Islam (FPI), Habib Rizieq Shihab memberikan keterangan kepada wartawan usai menjalani pemeriksaan di Polda Metro Jaya, Jakarta, Senin (23/1).
Foto: Antara/Reno Esnir
Imam Besar Front Pembela Islam (FPI), Habib Rizieq Shihab memberikan keterangan kepada wartawan usai menjalani pemeriksaan di Polda Metro Jaya, Jakarta, Senin (23/1).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG -- Habib M Rizieq Shihab was scheduled to present at the Bandung Metro Police Headquarters, West Java on Monday. He will be questioned as suspect on the case of alleged defamation of Pancasila and founding father Sukarno. The police said there were two items that was violated, namely the Article 154 about the desecration of and Article 320 on defamation

Meanwhile, the West Java's Islamic Movement Alliance (API) and the Brigade of Defenders of Ulema and Pancasila had performed congregational dawn prayer at Pusdai Mosque, Diponogoro Street, Bandung City, on early Monday. They gathered to support Habib Rizieq. "In order to respond the mass of Muslims who come to Bandung to safeguard Habib Rizieq, we urged them to gather at Pusdai," Chairman of API West Java, Ustaz Asep Syarifudin told the reporters on Sunday. 

Also read:  Habib Rizieq as suspect of defamation of Pancasila" href="" target="_blank">West Java Police name Habib Rizieq as suspect of defamation of Pancasila

According to Ustaz Asep, the mass would not come to West Java Metro Police headquarters. They will perform dhikr, sermon and pray together with the clerics and Islamic scholars. "Insya Allah (God's willing), this event will be closed by hearing advices from Habib Rizieq after the police finished questioning him," he explained.

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