Kamis 23 Feb 2017 22:17 WIB

The case of money laundering by YKUS is fabricated: Observer

Rep: Dadang Kurnia, Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
GNPF MUI uses the bank account of Yayasan Keadilan untuk Semua (YKUS, Justice for All Foundation) to accomodate donations from the people.
Foto: Republika/Reiny Dwinanda
GNPF MUI uses the bank account of Yayasan Keadilan untuk Semua (YKUS, Justice for All Foundation) to accomodate donations from the people.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- An observer on crime from Trisakti University Abdul Fickar Hajar said the money laundering case involved Yayasan Keadilan untuk Semua (YKUS) was fabricated. The predicate crime accussed by the police to the foundation was not part of felony. "The accusation of money laundering (to YKUS) seemed to be concocted because the predicate crime was not included into felony, gambling, drugs, human trafficking, and so on," said Fickar to Republika.co.id on Thursday (Feb 23).

Fickar said the determination of the chairman of the foundation Adnin Armas as suspect was also a make up. He said the aspect of public interest of what was alleged by the police was not big. "What was alleged (to Adnin Armas) was more related to the interest of foundation itself. I mean, the aspect of public interest was not so big. So, the allegation was concocted when the foundation itself did not file a police report," said Fickar. 

Also read: Bachtiar Nasir might be charged with two Articles: Police

The National Movement to Safeguard the Indonesian Council of Ulama's Fatwa (GNPF MUI) borrowed the account of YKUS to accomodate the public donation for the demonstration on November 4, 2016 (412 Rally) and on Desember 2, 2016 (212 Rally). The police alleged it as a money laundering. 

The Crime Unit of Indonesian Police had named two suspects in alleged money laundering case involving cleric Bachtiar Nasir. Meanwhile, Islahudin Akbar was suspected to violate the law on Banking, while Adnin Armas was alleged to violate the law of Foundation. 

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