Rabu 01 Mar 2017 15:34 WIB

Republika presents arabic cover version to welcome King Salman

Rep: Sri Handayani/Eko Supriyadi/ Red: Ani Nursalikah
Republika presented different version of its cover to welcome King of Saudi Arabia Salman bin Abdul Azis al-Saud.
Foto: Republika
Republika presented different version of its cover to welcome King of Saudi Arabia Salman bin Abdul Azis al-Saud.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Today would be historical for Indonesia as the King of Saudi Arabia Salman bin Abdul Azis al-Saud would have his first visit to the country after 47 years. To welcome him, Republika presented different version of its cover. 

"Special to welcome King Salman, Republika presented an Arabic version. The cover titled 'Ahlan wa Sahlan' means 'Welcome'," said the Chief Editor of Republika Irfan Junaidi on Tuesday.

The special edition was made to signed a historical visit and to honor the state guest. He added that a translated version of the cover was also provided in the second page.

The King visit Indonesia for nine days. During 1-3 March 2016, the king would be in Jakarta. He would go to Bali for the next six days.

King Salman brought 1.500 entourages to have a vacation in Bali. The King would have a bilateral meeting with President Joko Widodo. He would also give a speech in front of the members of the House of Representatives.

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