Selasa 27 Jun 2017 15:52 WIB

Certain party wants to disrupt communication between ulemas and president

Rep: Sri Handayani/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
GNPF MUI Chairman Bachtiar Nasir (third at left) and fellow activists left the Presidential Palace after meeting President Joko Widodo, Sunday (June 25).
Foto: Antara/Puspa Perwitasari
GNPF MUI Chairman Bachtiar Nasir (third at left) and fellow activists left the Presidential Palace after meeting President Joko Widodo, Sunday (June 25).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Chairman of National Movement to Safeguard Indonesian Council of Ulema's Fatwa (GNPF MUI) Bachtiar Nasir said certain party wanted to disrupt the communication between ulemas and President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). He made the statement after his name was eliminated for several times from the list of attendant of meeting between President and ulemas.

“In the ulemas meeting, our names were included, but crossed out. I don't know why and who did it,” said him in a conference at AQL Islamic Center, Tebet.

According to Bachtiar, President Joko Widodo said, if there was a dialogue between the ulemas and Jokowi at 411 rally, the 212 and 313 rallies were not necessarily happened. At the moment, president also delegated the coordinating minister of politics, law, and security to say the aspiration of ulema, including GNPF MUI to hold a dialogue with President.

Bachtiar also said the current government did not feel discriminative towards Islam. Therefore, GNPF MUI delivered some facts to show the president that discrimination and criminalization to Muslims were indeed happened.

Also read: Jokowi meets GNPF MUI at Presidential Palace

“That is what we said and we hope the president hear it,” he said.

Bachtiar exemplifies the immediate legal process for Muslim who alleged making mistakes, while the process for non-Muslim seemed to be more tolerant. He also assumed that some incidents had cornered Muslims as anti-Pancasila and intolerant. Detainment to 313 rally activists were assumed as a discrimination to Muslim figures.

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