Senin 02 Apr 2018 17:55 WIB

Anwar Usman new chairman of Constitutional Court

Anwar Usman defeated Suharyoto in a voting.

Newly elected chairman of Constitutional Court Anwar Usman
Foto: Antara/Sigid Kurniawan
Newly elected chairman of Constitutional Court Anwar Usman

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Constitutional Court (MK) Judge Anwar Usman was elected new Chairman of the Court for the 2018-2020 period. He replaced Arief Hidayat.

Anwar Usman defeated Suharyoto in a voting in an open plenary meeting of the nine Constitutional Court judges. Only the two contested the chairmanship.

Each one of the judges has the right to contest the election with the exception of Arief Hidayat who already led the Constitutional Court in maximum two terms. In the voting headed by Anwar himself, he was favored by five votes with four other judges giving their votes for Suhartoyo.

Constitutional Court (MK) chairman-elected Anwar Usman (left) and vice chairman-elected Aswanto wave their after an open plenary meeting in MK office, Jakarta, Monday (April 2).

Other judges of the Constitutional Court include Aswanto, Maria Farida Indrati, Wahiduddin Adams, I Dewa Gede Palguna, Manahan Sitompul, and Saldi Isra.

Meanwhile, Aswanto was elected Deputy Chairman of the Court replacing Anwar Usman in a voting in an open plenary meeting immediately after the election of the new chairman.

Voting was held after failing to reach an acclamation in a closed plenary meeting.

Aswanto was favored with five votes and his rival Saldi Isra won one vote less. Aswanto had been Constitutional Court judge since 2014. Anwar Usman and Aswanto were sworn in later at the Constitutional Court on Monday.

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