Jumat 20 Apr 2018 21:56 WIB

Minister calls on other regions learn from Dolly closure

Risma has transformed Dolly red-light district into a economic center.

Rep: Puti Almas/ Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Shoes produced by people living in Dolly, ex-red light district in Surabaya, East Java.
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
Shoes produced by people living in Dolly, ex-red light district in Surabaya, East Java.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Surabaya Mayor Tri Rismaharini's success in closing down Dolly red-light district or localization area can be a great example for other regions, Minister of Social Affairs Idrus Marham said. Therefore, in a National Coordination Meeting on Prostitution Handling and Supporting Closure of Localization in Jakarta on Thursday (April 19), Idrus called on other head of regions to seek inspiration from Risma.

According to Risma, Surabaya Provincial Government were hand in hand with other communities in the effort to close the largest brothel in Southeast Asia. A lot of volunteers involved.

Risma did not use regional budget (APBD). The project to close down Dolly was assisted by many companies. "They helped to teach various skills and workshops," she said.

The problem in Dolly and Jarak red-light districts was not merely a localization of prostitution. Brothels and the people's residential were blended in in the same area. It created a big impact to the children.

"The children were affected psychologically," she said.

Risma then took the children to public schools for free. The psychologists gave assistance to the children.

Meanwhile, the thugs who use to secure the red-light districts were recruited as public security officers by the local government. Some others also were given the opportunity to be drivers and other entrepreneurs.

Dolly has transferred itself from a red-light district into center of medium-sized business (UKM). Risma said Surabaya Provincial Government has bought the guesthouses in Dolly and it was functioned as economic center with a billion rupiah turnover.

"The people in Dolly were trained to create batik, sandals, printings, and pomade. Some of the products have been exported," she said before a number of regents and mayors and heads of social services.

The government has set a target to close down the remaining 43 prostitution centers, Marham said. The effort was done to free Indonesia from red light districts by next year.

"There are still 43 prostitution centers left, and we will tackle them together," he noted.

He added that there have so far been a total of 168 prostitution centers, employing around 40 thousand sex workers, in 24 provinces and 76 districts/cities. He noted that a target has been set for the closure of the rest 43 by 2019.

He remarked that his office would provide Rp25 thousand per day for 90 days for each of the sex workers to live, following the closure of their workplace.

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