Senin 20 Aug 2018 08:05 WIB

Separatist group members killed 2 military officers in Papua

Two military officers killed during mission to distribute food to Papuan children.

Red: Reiny Dwinanda
Dead victim. (Illustration)
Foto: ist
Dead victim. (Illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAYAPURA -- Two officers of the Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) were killed by armed separatist group members in Tigginambut, Papua Province. The assailants equipped with guns and arrows.

The two officers were identified by their names as second lieutenant Amran Blegur and first private Fredi. They respectively served as commander and staff of the Tingginambut post.

According to deputy commander of the Cenderawasih XVII Military Command Lt Col Dax Sianturi on Monday, the victims were about to distribute food to Papua children. They were attacked by separatist in a bridge.

Also read: 30 police officers killed in Papua over the last 10 years

The report about the separatist ambush was received by Tingginambut military office from local people. The military officers were found dead with arrow and gunshot wound and their bodies were rushed to Mulia Public Hospital.

Their remains were expected to be taken to Jayapura and later to Jakarta on Monday.

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