Senin 06 Jul 2015 16:52 WIB

Three moves of reshuffle

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Nasihin Masha
Foto: Republika/Daan
Nasihin Masha

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By: Nasihin Masha

On the same time, elites of Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) --Tjahjo Kumolo, Masinton Pasaribu, and other frontmans of PDIP -- revealed a record statement of a minister who insulted President Joko Widodo. The Vice President then spoke up: if it was true that the minister must be removed.

Then it was revealed, the minister was a woman. The minister in the economic field. The cartoons about transcript of the statement was also circulated. Eventually, it was revealed that she was Minister Rini Mariani Soemarno, minister of state-owned enterprises (BUMN). All happened in a day.

The next day, Rini was shot again. This time she was accused of having dual citizenships. In addition to Indonesia, she was accused to have United States citizenship. This allegation was revealed by PDIP elites. The US adheres to the principle that anyone born in the territory then automatically receives citizenship rights. Many Indonesian students received postgraduate scholarships in the country intentionally gave birth to their child in the US.

It was simply a matter of citizenship. Of course, the children were also Indonesian citizens because Indonesia adheres to the principle anyone who has a parent Indonesian citizen, then their child automatically as Indonesian citizens. At the age of 18 years, the child could choose one of them. But it was not infrequently the children ignored it because they never felt filed it.

Rini was born and raised abroad. She was born in Maryland in 1958. At that time her father was an executive of a bank in the country. She had her early education in the Netherlands. However, her secondary schools and higher education was in the US. Her father, Soemarno, was last finance minister of Bung Karno. Previously, he also became governor of Indonesia Bank.

When Bung Karno fell, there were two figures who pursued the new order regime as a symbol of government. First, the finance minister. Second, BI governor. Soemarno went abroad. While Jusuf Muda Dalam, BI governor, was prosecuted and went to jail.

Back to the matter of insult the president and dual citizenship, until now there have been no authentic evidences. They have never circulated the recording of Rini’s statement. Therefore, Rini denied the charge.

Whatever, regardless of whether or not the charge, it was a politician drama, an opera. Therefore, whether or not sometimes was not so important. It was just a very strong signal to Rini and also President Jokowi. Rini was the target of the operation that she had to be reshuffled. Politics is cruel. Yes, the President was intended to change of ministers – reportedly it will be performed before or after the Eid.

There were three moves of this reshuffle. First, the President recognizes his cabinet performance was not as expected. The economic sector was most public spotlight. Indeed, there were problems in the global economy is declining, falling commodity prices, and a weak purchasing power as a result of rising fuel prices, electricity tariffs and gas prices.

There were also domestic political problems that delayed the discussion of budget, the discussion of the ministry nomenclature that never ended. Government spending was sluggish. It just has to be recognized that the performances of economic ministers were not good. The development projects were hampered, slow disbursement, weak coordination, there was no dexterity, and public communications barely existed. There are estimates of the economic team will be dismantled radically.

Second, since the beginning, PDIP was not so comfortable with the inclusion of a number of its name became ministers or in the circle of the president. In addition, PDIP also demanded that the number of ministers more. Therefore, it appeared the drama about Rini.

We also remember the closed inauguration of the Cabinet Secretary, Andi Wijayanto and the sudden inauguration of Chief of Presidential Staff Luhut Panjaitan. When the announcement of the cabinet, we also shocked about the news of the presence of Maruarar Sirait to the Palace which was complete with a white shirt and black trousers that became 'uniform' of new cabinet. It turned out his name was lost in the last minute. He was unwanted.

Third, Indonesia Great Coalition (KIH) who won the election was not a majority in parliament. On the other hand, Jokowi was not a party controller and was also regarded as the junior partner in the PDIP.

These two things made the government's position were not so strong, as well as the position of the President was so weak politically. Therefore, the government and the President need a new political support by including a number of ministers from parties in Red and White Coalition (KMP). Something that was inevitable.

Outside of those three moves, in fact there was thing that no less substantial. President required a team that was sterile from business and political interests. President should have a team that could really help in terms of vision, managerial, and leadership. The teams that are actually strengthens the president politically, thinking, and communication.

Most of the existing team suspected loaded with business and political motives of each group. This of course made the space of the President obstructed. The public also became not easily get access to the President, except from the circle of those groups. Though, President belongs to all. Do not let the president be alienated in his palace.

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