Kamis 08 Jan 2015 17:31 WIB

Do not forget other sports, Mr Minister!

Rep: Satya Festiani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Imam Nahrawi
Foto: C65/Republika
Imam Nahrawi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By Israr Itah/Editor of Republika Online

Public question on Tim Sembilan (team nine) was answered last Friday. Minister of Youth and Sports Imam Nahrawi announced figures in the team that would dig, investigate, find and give recommendation on football problems in Indonesia.

The figures are sociologist Imam B Prasodjo, senior journalist Budiarto Shambazy, former national football player Ricky Yakobi, Deputy V of Ministry of Youth and Sports Gatot S Dewabroto, academic Nur Hasan, former Indonesian Ambassador to Switzerland Joko Susilo, former Chief of Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) Yunus Husein, former Deputy Chief of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Eko Ciptadi, and former Deputy Police Chief Oegroseno.

I do not intent to criticize the composition of the team nine, which I think a little unsuitable. In simple logic, those who understand football most are those who have been working inside. Or at least, they are in touch with football long enough.

In team nine, only Ricky Yakobi who is the 'football person'. He was a national football striker in 80s. He is currently developing young players through football school.

I also do not want to discuss the lack of coordination between the minister and his aides. During a talk show with an online media in a day before the announcement of team nine, Deputy IV of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Djoko Pekik Irianto, said the team  would not only manage football, but also other sports. Irianto's explanation was different from what his boss said.

The thing that I want to know is the minister's decision on allocating 2 billion IDR budget for the team, which will only work for three months. With a simple math, team nine obtains 666.66 million IDR per month. Each member will get at least 74 million IDR per month.

I must be wrong. It may include meeting cost, transportation and other bits and pieces. The thing is, the team is formed in the time that Indonesia faces SEA Games 2015 multi event in Singapore in the next June 5.

When athletes, coaches, and other sport administrators have to gather money to hold National Exercise Concentration (Pelatnas) and try out, they have to see that it is easy for the Minister of Youth and Sports to give money that big only to evaluate a kind of sport, which by the way, is known for its lack of achievement and selfish management.

Of course other athletes, coaches and other sport administrators will not demand the minister to stop caring the Football Association of Indonesia (PSSI). I believe that most of them are fans of football. They only want the minister to be fair.

Certainly, they are waiting for a breakthrough from the minister to solve a classic problem; delay on funding. For years the athletes have to face delay on wage, lack of try out funding, delay on procurement and, of course, delay on bonus.

Many ministers have been served, but no one can solve the problem. Complicated bureaucracy is the reason. The Ministry of Youth and Sports has to cooperate with other bodies and ministries for the fund. The ministry always said that it had to follow bureaucracy to avoid Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

While team nine is finding answers to restore football, I hope the Minister Imam Nahrawi can find the right formula to solve funding problem. If he fails to do that, he will be seen as a person who seeks for spotlight.

Remember, Sir. SEA Games 2015 will start in June 5. The real Minister of Youth and Sports is the father of all athletes in Indonesia, not only football.

I hope there will not be another story of athlete who pawns his vehicle to feed his wife and children. I also don't want to hear the news that the athlete's equipment come after the event is finished. Have a great day at work, Mr Minister.

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