Rabu 25 Apr 2012 19:39 WIB

A story behind 'Tak Kie Coffee'

Rep: Satya Festiani/Ira Sasmita / Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Latif Yunus or A Yauw (left) is the third generation of Tak Kie coffee stall owner. The second picture shows iced coffee (left) and iced cafe latte (right) of Tak Kie.
Foto: Republika/Ira Sasmita
Latif Yunus or A Yauw (left) is the third generation of Tak Kie coffee stall owner. The second picture shows iced coffee (left) and iced cafe latte (right) of Tak Kie.

Tak Kie Coffee Stall was located in an aisle known as Gloria in the corner of Glodok, West Jakarta. Now the aisle turns into a street named Pintu Besar Selatan III Street. The stall is still there with dozens other Chinese food kiosks.

Classic nuance welcomes every visitor entering the Tak Kie Coffee Stall. The interior hints its old age. Most of the visitors are also senior citizens.

A glass of iced coffee is the prima donna in this stall. Fresh and sweet, that is the sensation. “The taste remains the same since 1927. If this chair could talk, it would tell us a story,” Latif Yunus (62 years), the owner of the stall, said.

As the third generation, Yunus or knows as A Yauw, maintains the original taste passed by his grandfather. “The taste is irreplaceable. Even with a glass of thousands IDR coffee,” he explained.

The secret of the coffee lies in the bean quality. He buys the coffee straight from Lampung. Then, he mixes the robusta coffee by himself. For him, the quality of the coffee is the most important thing.

The stall also sells coffee milk, hot coffee and also some foods, such as steamed rice with chicken and noodle. “Kie presents simplicity,” A Yauw said. 

In his coffee stall people can freely gather and discuss as the stall has special relationship with them. A Yauw said that he knew all of his customers. “If there is a new comer, I will know it because the usual customers always come every day,” he said.

Tak Kie Coffee Stall also has its own story for the customers. “There was a customer who always came everyday with her husband. But since his husband died, she never came back,” he said.

Erna, a customer, claimed that she came everyday to Tak Kie Coffee Stall. “A day without a glass of Tak Kie Coffee is not complete,” she said.

The stall is open only until two pm. A Yauw said his stall always crowded from morning to afternoon. A glass of coffee is 10,000 IDR.





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