Selasa 14 Jan 2014 21:02 WIB

Ini Daftar Lengkap Pemenang Golden Globe 2014

Rep: Aghia Khumaesi/ Red: Djibril Muhammad
Golden Globe 2014
Golden Globe 2014

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, CALIFORNIA -- Ajang penghargaan bergengsi bagi insan film dan televisi Hollywood, Golden Globe 2014 usai digelar. Pagelaran tersebut diadakan di Beverly Hilton Hotel, California, AS.

Acara itu dimeriahkan oleh para aktris dan aktor Hollywood ternama. Merekapun tampil dengan busana keren yang didominasi berwarna merah. Tak heran, red carpet Golden Globe 2014 kemarin menjadi panggung lautan merah.

Namun, rupanya Golden Globe tahun ini milik 'American Hustle'. Karena, film yang dibintangi Jennifer Lawrence berhasil mendapatkan tiga dari tujuh nominasi. 

Berikut ini daftar lengkap pemenangnya:

Best Supporting Actress in a Mor tion Picture - Jennifer Lawrence - American Hustle

Best Supporting Actress in a TV Movie, Series, or Miniseries - Jacqueline Bisset - Dancing on the Edge

Best Miniseries or Motion Picture Made for Television - Behind the Candelabra

Best Actress in a TV Movie or Miniseries - Elisabeth Moss - Top of the Lake

Best Television Series Actor - Drama - Bryan Cranston - Breaking Bad

Best Television Series - Drama - Breaking Bad

Best Original Score - Alex Ebert - All Is Lost

Best Original Song - "Ordinary Love" - Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom

Best Supporting Actor in a Television Series - Jon Voight - Ray Donovan

Best Actress in a Motion Picture - Comedy or Musical - Amy Adams - American Hustle

Best Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture - Jared Leto - Dallas Buyers Club

Best Screenplay - Spike Jonze - Her

Best Actor in a Television Series - Comedy or Musical - Andy Samberg - Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Best Foreign Film - The Great Beauty (Italia)

Best Actor in a TV Movie or Miniseries - Michael Douglas - Behind the Candelabra

Best Animated Feature Film - Frozen

Best TV Series Actress - Comedy or Musical - Amy Poehler - Parks & Recreation

Best Director - Alfonso Cuaron - Gravity

Best Television Series - Comedy or Musical - Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Best Actor in a Motion Picture - Comedy or Musical - Leonardo DiCaprio - The Wolf of Wall Street

Best Motion Picture - Comedy or Musical - American Hustle

Best Actress in a Motion Picture - Drama - Cate Blanchett - Blue Jasmine

Best Actor in a Motion Picture - Drama - Matthew McConaughey - Dallas Buyers Club

Best Motion Picture - Drama - 12 Years A Slave

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