Kamis 14 Dec 2023 22:26 WIB

Tradition of Debates that Muslim Must Know

Debate among Muslim is not new.

Rep: Imas Damayanti/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Debate illustration.
Foto: Republika/Thoudy Badai
Debate illustration.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Debating within Islam is perfectly permissible, but it should not be allowed to strip away the etiquette and ethics of arguing. Nahdliyin circles, including boarding school residents, have become accustomed to the tradition of debate. How is the tradition?

PBNU Chairman of Religious Affairs KH Ahmad Fahrurrozi (Gus Fahrur) explained that interactive dialogue or debate is allowed to share and remind each other. But, he stressed, civility and decency must be maintained.

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“(In the debate) there should be no elements that corner, insult or drop,” Gus Fahrur said when contacted by Republika on Wednesday (13/12/2023).

In the boarding schools, for example, he said, there is a tradition of yellow book deliberation and a scientific discussion forum called Bahtsul Masail. In such forums there are often fierce and very long arguments, but still in the corridor of seeking sporting truths.