
DVI to speed up identification process of Hercules's victims

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MEDAN -- Disaster Victim Identification Team (DVI) of National Police has added the forensic expert to the victims identification process of the Hercules C-130 plane crash in Medan, on Tuesday, June 30. The addition was expected could be completed more quickly in the identification process of the victim bodies."Today we added the forensic experts become 15 persons. There...

Petugas menurunkan kantong berisi jenazah korban pesawat Hercules C-130 saat tiba di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Adam Malik Medan, Sumatera Utara, Selasa (30/6).

Ayah Korban Hercules Sudah Punya Firasat Buruk

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PEKANBARU -- Orang tua salah satu korban kecelakaan pesawat Hercules di Medan mengaku sudah punya firasat buruk. Omar Amir D akhirnya harus mengikhlaskan anaknya Tri Astuti Indah Sari berpulang karena berada di dalam pesawat nahas tersebut. "Saya sudah ada firasat, sejak empat hari yang lalu jantung agak berbedar tak menentu," kata Omar Amir ketika ditemui Antara di rumahnya di...