Petugas Imigrasi membawa tahanan WNA. (Ilustrasi)

Berencana Menyeberang ke Malaysia, Tujuh WNA Diamankan

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, ROKAN HILIR -- Komando Distrik Militer 0321/Rokan Hilir bersama Imigrasi Kelas II Bagansiapiapi, Kabupaten Rohil, Riau, mengamankan sebanyak tujuh warga negara asing yang akan berangkat ke Malaysia. Ketujuh WNA tersebut diamankan pada Sabtu (17/3) pukul 17.14 WIB di Gang Makmur, Kepenghuluan Parit Aman, Kecamatan Bangko, Kabupaten Rohil. Penangkapan berawal dari informasi satu hari sebelumnya mengenai keberadaan tujuh orang WNA...


UNHCR to seek new help for refugees in Turkey

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, ISTANBUL -- The United Nations' refugee agency will seek additional resources for Turkey, the world's largest host of refugees, and push for more resettlement, its head said on Saturday, as the civil war in Syria is set to enter its sixth year.The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has called for a "massive resettlement" of Syrian and other...