Selasa , 16 Feb 2016, 20:52 WIB
Sale of 10 Superjet aircraft to egypt could be finalized by late March

Senin , 21 Dec 2015, 21:07 WIB
President instructs air force to investigate aircraft crash

Senin , 21 Dec 2015, 20:52 WIB
T-50i crash, aircraft experiences a total loss

Senin , 21 Dec 2015, 20:50 WIB
Crashed aircraft of TNI AU purchased in 2013

Ahad , 20 Dec 2015, 19:09 WIB
T-50 crash, two casualties confirmed

Ahad , 20 Dec 2015, 18:08 WIB
Aircraft T-50 TNI AU crashes in Yogyakarta
Rabu , 16 Dec 2015, 21:28 WIB
Inaca seeks revocation of import duty on aircraft components

Selasa , 15 Dec 2015, 23:00 WIB
Garuda to procure 23 planes in 2016

Jumat , 04 Dec 2015, 18:38 WIB
Indonesia ready to produce fighter jets with South Korea

Selasa , 24 Nov 2015, 11:39 WIB
Indonesia signs provisional contract for 20 percent stake in KF-X project

Jumat , 06 Nov 2015, 11:48 WIB
France to deploy aircraft carrier in anti-ISIS fight

Jumat , 09 Oct 2015, 20:29 WIB
President: RI to buy waterbombing aircraft next year

ICAO discusses production of aircraft without carbon emissions in Bali
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DENPASAR –- International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) discussed the possibility of using bio-fueled aircraft. It was discussed by aviation experts on ‘The 2nd International Green Aviation Conference (IGAC) in Kuta, Bali."We are trying to reduce carbon emissions from air transportation," said Minister of Transportation, Ignatius Jonan, Wednesday (19/8).Jonan said that there were three main issues discussed in the...

Selasa , 25 Nov 2014, 15:16 WIB
High School in Tangerang launches aircraft engineering major program
Selasa , 09 Sep 2014, 21:40 WIB
Dirgantara Indonesia starts producing N219 aircraft components

Kamis , 06 Mar 2014, 23:24 WIB
Xian and Shukoi interested to become Merpati`s investors

Selasa , 11 Feb 2014, 22:44 WIB
Military plane crashes in Algeria, 103 dead

Ahad , 19 Jan 2014, 19:37 WIB
An Indonesia aircraft crashes in bad weather; four dead

Kamis , 09 Jan 2014, 03:02 WIB
Korean Fighter Xperiment project resumed
Selasa , 07 Jan 2014, 17:50 WIB
Defense Ministry to replace aging F-5 Tiger fighter aircraft

Rabu , 18 Dec 2013, 10:55 WIB
Japan boosts military purchases as China row simmers

Rabu , 18 Dec 2013, 10:07 WIB
N2130 IPTN Regional Jet flying on Youtube

Jumat , 13 Dec 2013, 01:51 WIB
South Korea in 1.1 bln Iraq deal to sell fighter jets

Ahad , 25 Aug 2013, 22:59 WIB
Garuda Indonesia graduates 21 new pilots

Selasa , 30 Jul 2013, 00:03 WIB
Sriwijaya Air to add nine new aircrafts

Sabtu , 06 Jul 2013, 09:57 WIB
Senegal to buy more planes from Indonesia

Merpati recruits Korean and Japanese flight attendants
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - National aircraft, Merpati Nusantara Airlines, recruits 15 Korean and Japanese flight attendants to increase number of tourists from several countries in East Asia region. Those flight attendants are expected to attract business people and tourists from their own country to fly with Merpati. "Today, there are many tourists from two countries (South Korea and Japan) visit Bali...

Senin , 08 Oct 2012, 22:38 WIB
Several airports coming up in Papua
Senin , 01 Oct 2012, 23:35 WIB
Aircraft forced to land for having no flight permit
Sabtu , 29 Sep 2012, 21:44 WIB
A Cessna aircraft crashed at Bandung Airshow 2012

Selasa , 25 Sep 2012, 20:00 WIB
Five airports in Indonesia will open for 24 hours

Senin , 17 Sep 2012, 23:00 WIB
Indonesian air force acquires EMB 314 Super Tucano aircraft

Jumat , 06 Jul 2012, 23:55 WIB
No House ratification Australian grant of used C-130 yet

Senin , 02 Jul 2012, 19:20 WIB
Australia grants four C-130 Hercules

Jumat , 09 Mar 2012, 22:05 WIB
The fourth CN-235 MPA dispatches to South Korea
Sabtu , 15 May 2010, 20:21 WIB