Ketua Komisi VIII DPR Saleh Partaonan Daulay.

BNN needs supports in fight against drug trafficking

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Lawmaker Saleh Partaonan Daulay said the national Anti Narcotics Agency (BNN) could not alone fight the spread of illegal drug trade in the country.Support is needed from other government agencies and community leaders, Saleh, chairman of the Commission III of the parliament said here on Monday."BNN could spearhead the fight against drug syndicates but it could...

Saleh Partaonan Daulay

Senin , 25 Jan 2016, 15:37 WIB

Alert! Drugs everywhere


Selasa , 22 Dec 2015, 17:55 WIB

Four drug smugglers sentenced to death in Aceh


Kamis , 24 Sep 2015, 01:35 WIB

BNN investigator arrested for drug trafficking


Five drug convicts executed in C Java

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, CILACAP -- Five drug convicts were executed on the island of Nusakambangang, off southern Central Java, earlier on Sunday at 00.40 local time, Cilacap police chief Adj. Sr.Comr. Ulung Sampurna Jaya said.He said four of five bodies of the drug convicts were sent out of the notorious island at around 3.55 am local time on Sunday.The four bodies...