Rabu , 22 Jun 2016, 21:34 WIB
Hundreds of illicit drugs seized in Sukabumi

Selasa , 14 Jun 2016, 16:19 WIB
New Zealand seizes record $350 mln drug haul from smugglers

Senin , 23 May 2016, 21:12 WIB
Drug abusers in NTT reach 49 thousand people

Kamis , 19 May 2016, 20:17 WIB
Youths asked to avoid narcotics

Rabu , 18 May 2016, 21:47 WIB
Nigerian citizen gets 20 years in narcotic drugs case

Rabu , 11 May 2016, 20:17 WIB
Drug dealer imprisoned for 15 years in Surabaya

Selasa , 03 May 2016, 18:40 WIB
Death penalty for drug communities must be continued

Rabu , 27 Apr 2016, 22:00 WIB
Gatot Nurmantyo reiterates declaration of war on drugs

Selasa , 26 Apr 2016, 18:47 WIB
China bars vaccine sales by drug wholesalers after scandal

Jumat , 15 Apr 2016, 07:36 WIB
Minister: Drug addiction far worse than terrorism

Selasa , 05 Apr 2016, 11:02 WIB
Employees of Justice Ministry undergo urine drug tests

Selasa , 22 Mar 2016, 20:35 WIB
Drug kingpin jailed for 15 years in OKI

BNN needs supports in fight against drug trafficking
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Lawmaker Saleh Partaonan Daulay said the national Anti Narcotics Agency (BNN) could not alone fight the spread of illegal drug trade in the country.Support is needed from other government agencies and community leaders, Saleh, chairman of the Commission III of the parliament said here on Monday."BNN could spearhead the fight against drug syndicates but it could...

Selasa , 07 Jul 2015, 11:47 WIB
Court sentences Nigerian drug trafficker to life in prison

Selasa , 23 Jun 2015, 16:15 WIB
Police bust international drug ring

Rabu , 27 May 2015, 12:48 WIB
Customs authorities foil smuggling of drug

Rabu , 13 May 2015, 19:06 WIB
TNI and BNN team up to combat narcotic drugs

Ahad , 05 Apr 2015, 07:06 WIB
Police arrest student in Kediri on drug charges

Senin , 16 Mar 2015, 16:23 WIB
BNN urges campuses to nail drug networks

Senin , 16 Mar 2015, 13:20 WIB
Education department urged to implement subject matter on drugs

Selasa , 24 Feb 2015, 16:46 WIB
Minister: Indonesia in a state of drug emergency

Selasa , 17 Feb 2015, 18:21 WIB
Ambassador: RI death-row decision does not breach international law

Senin , 16 Feb 2015, 18:28 WIB
UN rights expert calls for halt to Indonesia executions

Rabu , 11 Feb 2015, 22:32 WIB
President urges Muslims to support fight againts drugs

Kamis , 22 Jan 2015, 06:15 WIB
Indonesia takes diplomatic steps post execution or foreign drug convicts

Five drug convicts executed in C Java
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, CILACAP -- Five drug convicts were executed on the island of Nusakambangang, off southern Central Java, earlier on Sunday at 00.40 local time, Cilacap police chief Adj. Sr.Comr. Ulung Sampurna Jaya said.He said four of five bodies of the drug convicts were sent out of the notorious island at around 3.55 am local time on Sunday.The four bodies...

Kamis , 25 Dec 2014, 00:00 WIB
Narcotics Agency pushes execution of drug-related convicts

Ahad , 21 Dec 2014, 21:08 WIB
Labuhanbatu police arrets man on drug charge

Kamis , 18 Dec 2014, 05:39 WIB
Alabama police find heroin in toddler's diaper, arrest father

Rabu , 10 Dec 2014, 23:57 WIB
Minister asks foreign countries to respect Indonesian laws

Rabu , 10 Dec 2014, 22:28 WIB
President: No clemency for drug convicts

Selasa , 09 Dec 2014, 04:23 WIB
Expert: Jokowi should not bow to Amnesty International

Ahad , 26 Oct 2014, 14:35 WIB
Indonesian ulamas launch national campaign against narcotic drugs

Sabtu , 18 Oct 2014, 11:30 WIB
Oops... Facebook unfriends federal drug agency for fake identity

Senin , 01 Sep 2014, 23:00 WIB