Sabtu , 14 Jun 2014, 18:55 WIB
Minister: Indonesia govt to import more beef before fasting month

Sabtu , 14 Jun 2014, 18:33 WIB
Govt guarantee food stocks, distribution for fasting month

Kamis , 12 Jun 2014, 21:33 WIB
Certification body: Halal certification will protect local products

Senin , 09 Jun 2014, 19:53 WIB
MP: BPOM must speed up its work ahead of Ramadhan

Senin , 02 Jun 2014, 13:44 WIB
Malaysia: Cadbury products found not to contain pig DNA

Rabu , 28 May 2014, 13:50 WIB
Asia readies food security defenses against El Nino threat

Jumat , 23 May 2014, 18:45 WIB
McDonald's new 'Happy' mascot dubbed McScary in social media

Sabtu , 17 May 2014, 15:08 WIB
New minister vows to curb inflation during Eid al Fitr

Jumat , 16 May 2014, 00:58 WIB
APEC members strengthen cooperation to tackle new food security challenges

Jumat , 16 May 2014, 00:21 WIB
Rendang, new symbol of Indonesia's culinary

Sabtu , 26 Apr 2014, 13:22 WIB
BPOM set to build food museum in Yogyakarta

Selasa , 08 Apr 2014, 18:37 WIB
Indonesia import duty decision set to shake up global cocoa supply

Perhutani to build sago factory in Sorong
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - State owned forestry company, PT Perhutani plans to build a sago factory in South Sorong, Papua on area of 17 thousand hectares (ha). The plant will operate in 2015 with capacity of 30 thousand tonnes sago per ha. President Director of Perhutani, Bambang Sukmananto said that the plant would support national food security program. "Papuan people still...

Ahad , 09 Feb 2014, 22:33 WIB
Study: A low-sodium diet is still the best bet

Ahad , 09 Feb 2014, 22:12 WIB
Teens' poor breakfast leads to obese in middle age

Rabu , 05 Feb 2014, 09:40 WIB
UN says food stock run low in CAR

Sabtu , 01 Feb 2014, 12:27 WIB
Goods supply to Babel affected by Jakarta floods

Selasa , 28 Jan 2014, 19:44 WIB
Expert: Madura potentially become Indonesia`s largest sugar-producer

Ahad , 26 Jan 2014, 19:24 WIB
Bulog distributes 100 tonnes of rice to Sinabung refugees

Sabtu , 25 Jan 2014, 22:43 WIB
Association: Govt must helps farmers during floods

Kamis , 23 Jan 2014, 19:20 WIB
Govt guarantees food supply and prices quite stable

Kamis , 23 Jan 2014, 07:46 WIB
Govt: No disruption on rice supplies to Jakarta

Selasa , 21 Jan 2014, 16:31 WIB
Floods disrupt transportation, but rice stocks sufficient

Selasa , 21 Jan 2014, 15:12 WIB
Hukum Konsumsi Produk Rekayasa Genetik Halal

Senin , 20 Jan 2014, 17:01 WIB
Rice harvest delayed due to bad weather

Well... Danish cinnamon rolls too spicy for EU rules
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, COPENHAGEN - Easy on the cinnamon! That advice from Denmark's food authority has rankled pastry chefs whose cinnamon rolls were found to violate the European Union's spice rules. The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration recently discovered that Danish cinnamon rolls and twists contained more coumarin — a chemical compound in the most common variety of cinnamon — than EU...

Selasa , 07 Jan 2014, 18:01 WIB
Minister reminds nation of food import threat in 2014

Jumat , 03 Jan 2014, 22:25 WIB
President signs regulation on alcoholic beverage control

Senin , 30 Dec 2013, 19:55 WIB
Official: More cattle import in 2014

Senin , 30 Dec 2013, 19:09 WIB
Minister: Meat import increases in 2013 than 2012

Selasa , 24 Dec 2013, 22:31 WIB
Govt to increase fertilizer subsidy by 18 trillion IDR
Sabtu , 14 Dec 2013, 05:15 WIB
FAO-BATAN agree to use nuclear technology for food security

Jumat , 29 Nov 2013, 20:33 WIB
Food resilience achieved if political and military spheres united in policy

Selasa , 12 Nov 2013, 04:14 WIB
Pres. Hopeful Rajasa: More investment without sacrificing national interest

Kamis , 31 Oct 2013, 19:00 WIB