Sabtu , 01 Mar 2014, 01:44 WIB
Google ordered to remove anti-Islamic film from YouTube

Selasa , 11 Feb 2014, 20:25 WIB
Shirley Temple Black, former Hollywood child star, dies at 85

Selasa , 11 Feb 2014, 13:17 WIB
Oscar nominees gather to celebrate their nominations

Jumat , 07 Feb 2014, 18:07 WIB
Two US filmmakers to visit Java, Kalimantan, and Sumatra

Jumat , 07 Feb 2014, 03:11 WIB
Kedubes AS Gelar Rangkaian Pemutaran Film

Ahad , 02 Feb 2014, 08:31 WIB
Iranian flock to free admission theaters

Ahad , 19 Jan 2014, 20:00 WIB
In China, Sherlock Holmes has new name

Ahad , 12 Jan 2014, 21:30 WIB
Daniel Mananta Ketagihan Jadi Produser Film

Jumat , 10 Jan 2014, 17:05 WIB
Wow... Europe's bankers, investors flock to watch this movie!

Kamis , 09 Jan 2014, 18:18 WIB
Blitz Megaplex prepares for listing

Kamis , 09 Jan 2014, 16:01 WIB
Bullock, Timberlake are the most favorite!

Senin , 06 Jan 2014, 13:15 WIB
"The Marked One" Susul "Frozen"

A councilman says 'I quit' in Star Trek's language
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, INDIAN TRAIL - A North Carolina town councilman planning to run for US Congress has quit his post by submitting a resignation letter in Klingon, the language of a fictional extraterrestrial warrior species on the "Star Trek" TV and film series. David Waddell said he used Klingon to resign from the Indian Trail Town Council on Thursday because the...

Jumat , 20 Dec 2013, 13:58 WIB
Indonesian Film Festival 2014 held in S Sumatra

Kamis , 19 Dec 2013, 16:57 WIB
Indonesian musicians grab awards at Asia Pacific Film Festival

Rabu , 18 Dec 2013, 08:04 WIB
Paul Walker car on sale for US$1.37 million

Selasa , 17 Dec 2013, 20:17 WIB
US Charge d'Affaires joins KPK film fest

Kamis , 12 Dec 2013, 17:50 WIB
Hary Wisnu akan Cetak Rekor Dunia Tiup Saxophone 24 Jam

Kamis , 12 Dec 2013, 16:48 WIB
Bakdi Soemanto Dianugerahi Tokoh Teater 2013

Kamis , 12 Dec 2013, 07:12 WIB
President to attend social solidarity day commemoration

Rabu , 11 Dec 2013, 13:26 WIB
Winner of X Factor Indonesia launches a biography

Rabu , 11 Dec 2013, 10:56 WIB
Erick Thohir: Young people need to know more about Soekarno

Senin , 09 Dec 2013, 14:52 WIB
President launches an anti-corruption film

Ahad , 08 Dec 2013, 16:54 WIB
Kuantitas-Kualitas Film Nasional Ditingkatkan

Ahad , 08 Dec 2013, 16:12 WIB
'Sang Kiai', the Best Film on Indonesian Film Festival 2013

Indonesian film workers establish nine associations
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Indonesian film workers now have nine professional association that will protect and promote their profession declared on September 2, 2013 and witnessed by Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Mari Elka Pangestu. Those associations are Indonesian Film Directors Club (IFDC) which is chaired by Lasja Susatyo, Rumah Aktor Indonesia (RAI) is chaired by Lukman Sardi for actor...

Selasa , 23 Apr 2013, 20:29 WIB
Blitz Megaplex denies rumor on Korean ownership

Senin , 22 Apr 2013, 00:07 WIB
Habibie surprises Indonesian students in Netherland

Kamis , 31 Jan 2013, 20:11 WIB
Batam to become cinematography hub of Southeast Asia

Selasa , 18 Dec 2012, 20:00 WIB
'Habibie & Ainun' movie to be released in other countries

Jumat , 28 Sep 2012, 22:35 WIB
A Peacefully Islamic way to counter denigration

Jumat , 28 Sep 2012, 18:28 WIB
Dan Baer: Freedom of expression and freedom of religion are mutually reinforcing

Jumat , 28 Sep 2012, 16:50 WIB
Dan Baer: We reject the content of Innocence of Muslims but...

Selasa , 25 Sep 2012, 19:10 WIB
House asks US Ambassador to take

Selasa , 25 Sep 2012, 18:00 WIB