Sabtu 27 Apr 2024 22:30 WIB

Hundreds of Hectares of Rice Fields in Kuningan are Threatened by Pest Attack

In addition, rat infestation, with a residual area of 4 hectares of infestation.

Rep: Lilis Sri Handayani/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Farmers remove bird pest nets in rice crops ready for harvest
Foto: ANTARA FOTO/Yusuf Nugroho
Farmers remove bird pest nets in rice crops ready for harvest

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KUNINGAN -- Tens of hectares of paddy fields in Kuningan Regency are attacked by pests or crop disturbing organisms (OPT). Hundreds of other hectares are threatened by OPT attacks, so control efforts are needed.

The head of the Food Security and Agriculture Department of Kuningan Regency, Wahyu Hidayah said, in the period 1-15 April 2024, the area of rice crops in Kuningan Regency reached 20,867 hectares. “The lifespan of paddy crops varies, ranging from one day after planting (HST) to harvest. The dominant age is 20-100 HST,” Wahyu said, Friday (26/4/2024).

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Wahyu said, based on the POPT report, OPT attacks of the main rice crops found in Kuningan Regency include rice stem borer, with an increased attack area (LTS) of three hectares of light category, an attack area of 25 hectares of mild category, there is a threatened/alert area of 204 hectares and a control area of 31 hectares.

In addition, rats attack, with a residual attack area of four hectares. The other OPT is bacterial leaf blight, with an LTS of 11 hectares, an infestation area of 34 hectares of mild category, a threatened/alert area of 153 hectares and a control area of four hectares.