Senin 27 May 2024 22:36 WIB

BKPRMI Bangka Helps the Government to Eliminate Koranic Illiteracy

Bangka Local Government strives to improve Quran literacy.

Red: Erdy Nasrul
Illustration of Quran salary which is an effort to improve Quran literacy.
Illustration of Quran salary which is an effort to improve Quran literacy.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SUNGAILIAT -- Bangka Regent's Human and Cultural Development Expert Staff, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Boy Yandra said the Indonesian Mosque Youth Communication Agency (BKPRMI) in the area has helped the government to combat Quran illiteracy.

It was delivered by Boy Yandra at Sungailiat, Sunday, at Tahfizh Juz 30 Graduation of Force VI and TPA Graduation of Force XXXI in 2024.

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“Quran education is essential to shaping a resilient generation of Quranists,” he said.

He said the Bangka Regency government gives great appreciation to the BKPRMI organization that has helped prepare a generation that has the quality of faith and taqwa.