Jumat 29 Sep 2017 19:20 WIB

EU steps up efforts to tackle illegal content online

Hate speech, radicalism and violence are spreading easily through online platform.
Foto: Republika/Yogi Ardhi
Hate speech, radicalism and violence are spreading easily through online platform.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BRUSSELS -- The European Commission on Thursday stepped up efforts to detect, remove, and prevent illegal content online that incites hatred, violence and terrorism by presenting guiding principles to online platforms.

"The increasing availability and spreading of terrorist material and content that incites violence and hatred online is a serious threat to the security and safety of EU citizens," the Commission's statement read.

The proposed measures constitute the first element of the anti-terrorism package announced by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker.

"They will contribute to making the fight against illegal content more effective and will advance the ongoing work to build an effective and genuine EU security union and a stronger digital single market," it added.

European Commissioner for the digital single market, Andrus Ansip, said the measures would make it easier "for platforms to fulfil their duty, in close cooperation with law enforcement and civil society."

Vera Jourova, Commissioner for justice, consumers and gender equality, said: "The code of conduct I agreed with Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Microsoft shows that a self-regulatory approach can serve as a good example and can lead to results. However, if the tech companies don't deliver, we will do it."

The Commission will monitor progress over the next months and assess whether additional measures are needed, including possible legislation to complement the existing regulatory framework.

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