Rabu 13 Apr 2016 22:36 WIB

Five SOEs to build Kuala Tanjung Industrial Zone

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Antara/Irsan Mulyadi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MEDAN -- Five State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) joined together in the construction and development of Kuala Tanjung Industrial Zone (North Sumatra province), which includes the Batubara and Deliserdang districts.

Agreement on plans for the project was marked by the signing of a memorandum of understanding here on Wednesday.

The five state enterprises are PT Kawasan Industri Medan (KIM), PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Inalum), PT Perkebunan Nusntara (PTPN) 3, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) 1, and PT Pertamina.

The Vice President of Pertamina's Strategic Planning and Business Development, Wahyudi Satoto, said the company is ready to distribute energy for the development of the Kuala Tanjung Industrial Zone.