Jumat 23 Mar 2012 17:15 WIB

A Bogor man suffers of Tomcat attack

Rep: Adi Wicaksono/Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BOGOR - The attack of Tomcat (in Latin: Paederus fuscipes) now reported to invade Bogor. A resident said that his skin was affected with poisonous liquid of the insect.

It is Amar (51 year), a resident of Cibeureum Kalong, Sukawening, Dramaga, Bogor, who has been attack by Tomcat since two weeks ago. At that time, he was in the rice field near his house.

"It alighted in my ankle. I hit it," he said on Friday. Suddenly, his skin is itchy. Yellowish spots also appeared. His body caught fever for days.

When he asked about the specification of the insect, he said it was similar with those in the news. It is small with yellow and red strips.

His routine was interrupted because of the attack and he could not go far for a week. But, no one in his neighbor has affected. "I only use some available medicine. Now it is only the irritation left," he said. 



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