Kamis 17 Apr 2014 17:36 WIB

Democratic Party to continue its presidential convention as planned

Rep: Esthi Maharani/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Three of eleven participants in Democratic Party's presidential convention have a debat in Jakarta, in March. They are Ali Masykur Musa (first left), Anies Baswedan (center), and Gita Wirjawan.
Three of eleven participants in Democratic Party's presidential convention have a debat in Jakarta, in March. They are Ali Masykur Musa (first left), Anies Baswedan (center), and Gita Wirjawan.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Democratic Party has decided to continue its presidential convention after a meeting was held last night in Cikeas, Bogor, West Java. The meeting was led by Democratic party's patron leader, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. 

"We decided to continue the convention," Democratic Party politician Jero Wacik said on Wednesday.

The final debate will be held before the end of the month. After that, the last survey will be carried out to decide the winner. Eleven figures participate in this convention. They are Anies Baswedan, Sinyo Harry Sarundajang, Pramono Edi Wibowo, Dino Patti Djalal, Endriartono Sutarto, Dahlan Iskan, Ali Maskur Musa, Marzuki Ali, Gita Wirjawan, Irman Gusman and Haryono Isman.

One of participants of Democratic Party's convention, Dahlan Iskan said that he would still continue the process of the convention despite earlier he stated that there was no use to continue the convention. 

"I'm still a participant so i will continue with the process," Iskan said, and rejected to comment further on his opportunity to win the convention. 







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