Senin 15 Sep 2014 14:45 WIB

C Kalimantan's next governor expected to continue REDD+

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Teras Narang
Foto: Republika/Yogi Ardhi Republika
Teras Narang

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, PALANGKA RAYA -- Central Kalimantan Governor Agustin Teras Narang revealed that his successor is expected to carry forward the implementation of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation Plus (REDD+) program and make it more successful.

Central Kalimantan is not only a REDD+ pilot project but also a pioneer, which has been recognized internationally, Narang, who is expected to be appointed as a minister under the Jokowi administration, recently stated here.

"REDD+ is not only in the interest of Central Kalimantan but also a program for the nation and even the world. So, whoever is the next leader of Central Kalimantan, the REDD+ program must be continued," he emphasized.

The program has been implemented since 2010, and it will take time for the community to reap its benefits, he pointed out.

"My objective as the governor is to rehabilitate and revitalize the forest areas. I will always support such efforts even if I am no longer a governor," remarked Narang, a PDIP politician.

In the meantime, Yusurum Jagau, the representative of the REDD+ Managing Agency in Central Kalimantan, recently revealed details about the progress achieved in the implementation of the program during the past three years.

A joint secretariat has been established, and a REDD Training Center and an Operation Center have been functioning in Palangka Raya, he noted.

Other achievements include the setting up of the GIS (Geographical Information System), the creation of baseline mapping, and the implementation of a survey in the former location of the geothermal power plant.

The province has also formulated a REDD+ Regional Strategy and Emission Reference Level. In addition, an MRV (Measurement, Reporting and Verification) system of REDD+ activities was also created.

The agency has also monitored the implementation of a moratorium on new licenses for forest clearing for plantation, timing, and forestry in the eight districts of Murung Raya, North Barito, South Barito, Kapuas, Gunung Mas, Pulang Pisau, and East and West Kotawaringin.

The REDD+ agency has also developed an e-learning system as part of its capacity building program and organized Community Based Forest Fire Management (CBFFM) Program as well as a Citizen Journalism course and green school.

A local community's economic empowerment program has also been implemented with the cooperation of some local NGOs.

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