Kamis 09 Oct 2014 23:34 WIB

Food sovereignty's policy as a key to achieve the Great Indonesia

Rep: Taufik Rachman/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: ROL/Fian Firatmaja

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Food sovereignty's policy will be a key to achieve the Great Indonesia. Food sovereignty is not only able to meet national food needs, but also provides employment and seeks new opportunities in increasing farmers life and rural development.

"Government of Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo and Jusuf Kalla must prioritize food sovereignty policies," agricultural expert from Syiah Kuala Univeristy in Aceh, Abubakar Karim said recently.

Food adequacy must be supported by health insurance and education that can be enjoyed by the whole people. It will increase community welfare. Karim said that government had accelerated the development, both in urban and rural areas. Large funds through various subsidies have also been distributed to community, but it still had no significant impact on it.

"Based on development of periphery concept, we have to guarantee food security in villages first," Karim added.

If the food needs have been fulfilled, government could develop a health insurance program. Government is able to cover premiums for health insurance.

According to him, government of Aceh allocated funds up to 520 billion IDR for health insurance in the province. There are about three million people covered by this program.

Health insurances will be applied to all ages, disease and hospitals.

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