Rabu 06 May 2015 18:08 WIB

21 countries participate in International Tour de Banyuwangi Ijen

Tour de Banyuwangi Ijen
Foto: Humas Pemkab Banyuwangi
Tour de Banyuwangi Ijen

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANYUWANGI -- Some 99 cyclists from 21 countries are participating in the International Tour de Banyuwangi Ijen 2015, which began on Wednesday, May 6.

A total of 20 teams, including 14 foreign teams and six domestic teams, are taking part in the race.

The foreign cyclists are from France, the Netherlands, Canada, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, Iran, Spain, the Philippines, Malaysia, Australia, Korea, China, New Zealand, Russia, Portugal, Taiwan, the United Arab Emirates, and Uzbekistan.

The continental teams include Tabriz Shadari Team (Iran), Matrix Powertag (Japan), Singha Infinite Cycling Team (Thailand), NSC Cycling Team (Malaysia), Pegasus Continental Cycling (Indonesia), and Team 7 Eleven Road Bike from the Philippines.

The first-stage of the race was officiated by District Head of Banyuwangi Abdullah Azwar Anas in Glenmore sub-district. The participants raced for a 169.4-kilometer-long distance and finished in Blambangan Park, Banyuwangi.

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