Senin 27 Jul 2015 23:02 WIB

Minister Yohana warns of new modus operandi of child abduction

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Yohana Yembise
Foto: Republika/ Wihdan
Yohana Yembise

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Minister of Women Empowerment and Child Protection (PP-PA) and Yohana Yembise urged all parents to raise awareness of the new mode of child abduction.

She gave example on a number of recent kidnapping cases which was often occured. One of them was the victim was a girl named Sintya Hermawan (six years old). Sintya reported missing and abducted while playing in the children's rides at Pusat Grosir Cilitan (PGC), Kramat Jati, East Jakarta, on Saturday, July 18.

Luckily, Sintya could be found unharmed. However, until now the motive of the perpetrators was still unclear.

"The parents need to improve their supervision and accompany the child, especially when playing outside the home," said Minister Yohana in a written statement received by ROL on Monday, July 27.

Yohana hoped, the parents were more cautious. Moreover, there was threats received through social media was sent by perpetrators. With the internet mediation, the perpetrators could freely access information about places commonly visited by the child as a target of kidnapping.

In addition, it needed the awareness of all parties to make the playground or recreation facilities were feasible and safe for the child's safety. Moreover, it has also become one of the indicators of the regency / city eligible for children (KLA).

Yohana also asked the police to pay special attention to cases of child abduction. "I really hope the police can take firm action against the suspect in accordance with applicable the Law so that there is a deterrent effect," she said.

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