Selasa 18 Aug 2015 03:34 WIB

Trigana air crash site found

Papua   (AP/Basarnas)
Papua (AP/Basarnas)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAYAPURA -- The Pegunungan Bintang district police in collaboration with a search and rescue (SAR) team, has found the crash site of the Trigana Air aircraft near the Oskob village in the Okbape sub-district, an official said.

"The location was found by First Brigadier Rino, along with eight local community members," the head of public relations for Papua Police Senior Commissioner Patrige, stated on Monday evening.

Patrige revealed that Rino and eight civilians had also found objects resembling aircraft propellers.

"Several pieces of evidence have been secured by the Pegunungan Bintang district Police Chief. The team will be evacuated from the crash site tomorrow morning," he added.

The identity of the objects found was also confirmed by the National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) of Papua to ensure that the correct aircraft debris had been identified.

Patrige explained that the crash site was located at a distance of about three hours by foot from Oksob village.

Earlier, residents of Oksob village in the Okbape sub-district, Pegunungan Bintang district, Papua province, had found two pieces of debris, which are allegedly part of the Trigana Air's aircraft door that crashed on Sunday, August 16.

"It was at about 04.15 p.m. (GMT+9) that the residents of Oksob village found the two pieces of debris, after which they were handed over to the outpost," 172/PWY resort military commander Col. Sugiono confirmed.

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