Rabu 20 Jan 2016 18:07 WIB

BNN, Ministry to combat drug trafficking

BNN Head Commissioner General Budi Waseso
Foto: Antara/Zabur Karuru
BNN Head Commissioner General Budi Waseso

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MEDAN -- The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) is cooperating with the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights to combat drug trafficking in jailhouses.

"We are still working along with the police and military to prevent the entry of drugs into jailhouses," BNN Head Commissioner General Budi Waseso stated here on Wednesday.

The circulation of drugs is rampant in jailhouses as the prisoners have contacts with dealers from outside, he pointed out.

"It should be anticipated to prevent drug transactions in jailhouses," he emphasized.

"The BNN, the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, the police, and the military should implement various measures to address the circulation of drugs in jailhouses," he affirmed.

He remarked that drug traffickers had an extensive network and sound coordination. In addition, the officers in jailhouses encountered difficulties in monitoring drug trafficking.

Therefore, collaboration among law enforcement and other relevant agencies is needed to combat the drug menace in jailhouses.

The BNN had earlier decided to cooperate with the Indonesian Military (TNI) to combat the drug menace in jailhouses.

"We will cooperate with the TNI to combat the drug mafia in jailhouses. We will involve all elements to eradicate the circulation of drugs in jailhouses," Waseso affirmed here.

Waseso emphasized that all parties should be involved in the prevention and eradication of drugs.

"The treatment of drug users should be done quickly and aggressively," he remarked.

Waseso was optimistic of curbing drug circulation in the country.

"I am optimistic of carrying out my duties properly," he emphasized.

National Police Chief General Badrodin Haiti pointed out that Indonesia has experienced a chronic phase in drug abuse.

"In 2015, drug users are estimated to reach 4.1 million, or 2.2 percent of the total population of Indonesia. Material losses are estimated to reach approximately Rp63 trillion, which includes drug expenditures, treatment, and rehabilitation, among others," he noted.

Haiti stated that drug abuse had cast a shadow on the development of society, including causing moral and mental degradation, child abuse and neglect, as well as drug overdose.

Furthermore, Haiti noted that Indonesia was no longer merely a transit country but was becoming a major drug-producing state.

"Indonesia has taken serious measures to combat drug abuse in the country," he emphasized.

The BNN, as a body that plays a role in preventing and combating drugs in Indonesia, should carry out its duties to the best of its abilities.

sumber : Antara
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