Senin 02 Apr 2018 22:10 WIB

Police to investigate oil spill fire in Balikpapan bay

Police will take legal measures against the perpetrators of the oil spill.

Sebuah kapal mendekati lokasi pertama kali munculnya api di perairan Teluk Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur, Sabtu (31/3). Akibat terbakarnya pipa minyak bawah air Balikpapan-Penajam Paser Utara, mengakibatkan satu kapal kargo MV Ever Judger dan dua kapal nelayan terbakar serta menewaskan dua nelayan.
Foto: Antara
Sebuah kapal mendekati lokasi pertama kali munculnya api di perairan Teluk Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur, Sabtu (31/3). Akibat terbakarnya pipa minyak bawah air Balikpapan-Penajam Paser Utara, mengakibatkan satu kapal kargo MV Ever Judger dan dua kapal nelayan terbakar serta menewaskan dua nelayan.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Indonesian Police is investigating the oil spill in Balikpapan Bay in East Kalimantan. It has caused a fire and left four people dead.

"The police are yet to find the source of the oil spill," Deputy Police Chief Commissioner General Syafruddin noted here on Monday.

The police would take legal measures against the perpetrators of the oil spill.

"If they have disposed (the oil), it is a crime. We will investigate this and check it with the East Kalimantan Police," he added.

Oil spill could damage marine biota. "It can pollute the marine biota; therefore, we will investigate and find the perpetrators," he stated.

He assured that the police would take stern measures against those responsible for the oil spill.

The oil spill, which occurred earlier on Saturday, caused a fire. Four people were killed, one person was injured, and one person was reportedly missing.

The fire was detected at 11 a.m. local time, and by noon, it had been extinguished by local authorities.

The victims were fishermen who were caught in the blaze and crews of the vessel MV Ever Judger 2, which was docked in the bay.

sumber : Antara
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