Kamis 06 Feb 2014 11:00 WIB

Poor mentality

Rep: Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Yudi Latif
Foto: Republika/Daan
Yudi Latif


Corruption wave becomes a tremendous tsunami that hit this country, from the center to the periphery, raising awareness, "Where do these crimes come from?"

Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI) is a high position with high revenue. Chairman of the Constitutional Court is not a position with small salary. More than 500 officials and businessmen who were detained by Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) since 2003 did not have low income. The result, they have together became corrupt not because of poverty in material, but mental and moral poverty.

Basically, corruption reflected declining sense of belonging of the State. Niccolò Machiavelli, defender of the values of republicanism was often misunderstood. He saw the love for the country as a piety based on a willingness to put public interests above other interests.

Love of the country will explore power of nation to take a tough decision to sacrifice all for the sake of public interests. Not surprisingly, he regards the patriotism as moral capital and mirror of the soul, which are absolutely owned by leaders and the led.

The patriotic leader must serve its people, while the patriotic people must fight when their leaders betray. Thus, in his eyes, the republic is a polite society community committing to the political life based on rule of law and public interests.

In Florentin tale, Machiavelli illustrated that rampant of corruption in the country indicated the decline of sense of belonging and loving the country. The decline started from mental slavery of political elites. The leaders of other nations are enslaved by other countries and do not have the flexibility to manage their own affairs, they imitate other state institutions without considering its suitability to the needs of nation. Second, stakeholders with gross wealth through its financial coffers can conquer moral of public under the narrow pragmatism. Third, the gentiluomini community (elite in the country) live from the popularity, high income with little work. They not only damage the country with the lifestyle. These people have followers or fans that make mass depravity.

Fourth, it's an understanding of religion based on laziness, not piety. Religious interpretations, that more focuses on formal aspects of themselves and rituals, rather than dealing with the essence of teachings. They adore loudmouth than human beings workers, beautify the place of worship rather than contribute to dhuafa community. This religious understanding makes people no longer work for righteousness and easy to forgive corruption due to small donations.

Machiavelli also offers a solution. First, foreign citizens must be literate, obey and conscientious with the law. Law was applied indiscriminately and legal rights should be given to anyone. Obedience and conscientious of law will generate independence of civil society.

Second, the executive and law enforcement from bottom to top should be firm in maintaining the rule of law, particularly to the offenders. The penalties are determined based on offender's proximity to power and its level, not only in quantity but also quality. To pursue 'the Snapper' corruptor and forced him to return the state loss is more important than chasing dozens of small corruptors. Machiavelli praised Brutus who was present in court and charging his son.

Third, if we want to destroy corruption, young generation must have patriotic spirits, not masculine and militaristic patriotism, but connected to daily life of piety and meet the obligation, put national interests from paying taxes and keep an eye on the leader.

Fourth, we have to respect moral piety and religion. The leader of the country must protect religion from manipulation. As long as the population of the republic has a strong faith and moral religion, it will always be good and come together, getting away from the corruption. Fifth, by practicing self-discipline and maintain the rule of law.

Finally, Machiavelli did not believe in the appearance of a messianic (Ratu Adil) to eradicate corruption. He was more confident on the principle of law as foundation of political and civil life. Law abiding and prioritize public interest over personal interest in the country are tools to free themselves from corruption that destroyed political freedoms and enslave humans.

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