Rabu 09 Apr 2014 16:42 WIB

Education and culture

Rep: C70/Mutia Ramadhani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Yudi Latif
Foto: Republika/Daan
Yudi Latif


Education and culture are creative process, which cannot be separated like two sides of coin. Bung Hatta said that what had been taught in educational process is the culture, while the education itself is a process of acculturation.

Education is a learning process to be human. Kihadjar Dewantara has said as written by David Reeve (2013), human was a 'differentiation' from nature. They must try to unite with nature rules. However, they can make choices and have an active and creative role in nature, different from the automatic instinctive response of plants and animals to nature. It is the nature of caliphate-divinity, which raises the ideas of goodness behavior, moral and culture, said Dewantara. In a simple word, human beings are cultured and civilized.

In learning process to be human, a person has three major functions (Trisakti) as cultural creator. He or she can generate the knowledge, education, philosophy, which influences a sense of beauty, inner nobility, art, customs, social adjustment, nationalism, justice and religious, as well as intention that cause actions and creativities, such as industry, agriculture, architecture, etc.

The three major functions are driven by five senses. The eye is the most important connecting mind, ears and taste. Although mind usually plays more active role in answering questions, which one is the most balanced? Which one is the most harmonious? Which one is the most rhythmic? Sense is the source and the last guidance. In this case, the use of music and Java dance in Taman Siswa contained moral goals, managing sensory sensitivity, ethics, and aesthetics.

As a special realization of nature, we must know that we are unique creatures as well as social creatures who have similarity with others. As individual and social creature, we have obligations to other individuals, country and humanity generally. It contained in a slogan, "mangaju-aju salira, mangaju-aju bangsa, mangaju-aju manungsa" (self happiness, national happiness and human happiness).

Through Taman Siswa, Dewantara obtained several ways to explain his vision about society family who evolved like a living organism, where order and peace in our personal and national life could be achieved through the introduction and implementation of principles of individual rights to self determination, combined with collective demands. In educational vision of Taman Siswa, this principle was explained that "we should concern the perfection and the holy family, the presence of father and mother who have same rights, same jobs, same interests, same forces and same souls carried away from the view of perfection and sanctity of life."

According to Dewantara, the family principle was not only a guideline in private life, but also deserved to be ethical foundation to reconcile all interests in a common interest larger. This principle must be applied by people in various social environments, which are imagined as a large concentric circle, as a member of family, community, nation and mankind. This principle must be applied in various parts of life, culture and new national culture, also in various socio-economic group interests within national environment and in independent international relations with a common goal, namely the universal human brotherhood.

Dewantara ever said that Indonesian culture was threatened by individualism, selfishness and materialism. He warned that without growing the cultural values and national identity, "surely we would only get a bourgeois movement that would only give pleasure to the bourgeois, the high and middle class people, while poor people would continue to live in miserable."

The result, educational process as a civilizing process must be able to develop the the three major functions and empower all of human sensory potential as human endeavor to humanize. The education process must be able to link individual moral capacity into collective life as a member of community, the nation and the world. It needs personal moral education, which is usually taught through religious education and moral philosophy, citizenship education in context of social pluralism, which gives structural experience to students to connect moral judgment and situation, as well as the capability to deal with various differences in family spirit.

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