Rabu 17 Jun 2015 20:06 WIB

When the Gulf countries complain to Uncle Sam

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri
Foto: Republika/Daan
Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, By: Ikhwanul Kiram Mashuri

Uncle Sam in question is a reference to the United States (US). This title appeared from a meat supplier named Samuel Wilson. In about 1812, he provided meat for the US soldiers in barrels labeled 'US' or United States. However, by the soldiers, 'US' spoofed as an abbreviation of Uncle Sam.

US cartoonist, Thomas Nast was describing Uncle Sam as a tall man with a big hat motivated the US flag (stars and stripes). He was dressed in thick red, white, and blue, and striped pants. This figure was intended to symbolize the respectful of US.

However, the US was not just Uncle Sam. The state led by Barack Obama was also known as the world sheriff. In cowboy films, the sheriff described as the chief of police whom combat the criminals without compromise. However, for those who did not like the US, sheriff designation actually intended as a symbol of US arrogance.


Within the meaning of the US as Uncle Sam and the sheriff then perhaps the US, or rather President Obama, being a place to complain and to sulk of six countries those was members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (Majlis at Ta'awun al Khaliji). They were Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Oman.

Which they were complaining was the 'mischief' of their neighbors: Iran. They considered Iran has jeopardized the security of the Middle East region, especially Gulf countries, when the country of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei formed the axis of Shia of Iran-Iraq, Syria, and Hezbollah in Lebanon. They also accused Iran has provided military assistance to the militia al Khauti in Yemen.

The concerns were increased when in early April the group of countries P5 + 1 (the five permanent members of the UN - the US, England, France, Russia, and China - plus Germany) has approved the initial deal of nuclear agreement with Iran. Which feared by Gulf countries, if the deal was truly materialized, then embargo against Iran will be revoked, both military and economic. And, that's when Iran will be free to stick its influence in a number of countries in the Middle East.

On the concerns or rather complain of Gulf countries, so the Uncle, whom represented by President Obama, then invited the Gulf rulers to present at a meeting in Camp David. This latter name was the resting place of the US president in a park in the Catoctin Mountains, Maryland, approximately 100 km from Washington.

An invitation to Camp David indicated that the meeting initiated by President Obama was very special, but in a more relaxed atmosphere. Another important meeting ever held at Camp David once held by President Jimmy Carter in 1978. At that time he hosted a meeting of Israel Prime Minister, Menachem Begin with Egyptian President, Anwar Sadat. This triangular meeting then produced peace agreement between Egypt and Israel. For guests from the other state, US President usually accepted them at the White House.

Related to meeting plan with the Gulf rulers, President Obama, as quoted by media al Sharq al Awsat, also promised to listen to all the complaints, or whatever want delivered by Gulf rulers. Obama also stated the nuclear agreement with Iran will not disrupt good relations between US and the Gulf countries. In fact he insisted that the US would guarantee the security of these countries.

Attitudes and promises of Obama's apparently intended to dampen the anger whom already anchored at the head of the Gulf rulers, related to the initial deal agreement of Iran’s nuclear. Obama also hoped his meeting with the emirs and the princes of Gulf rulers could run smoothly.

The meeting lasted for two days on last Wednesday and Thursday (May 13 to 14). The titled ''Meeting of Leaders of the Gulf countries with US’, but they were not sitting face to face, as in a formal inter-state negotiations.

This meeting seemed intentionally made as relaxed as possible as meeting of large family. The Uncle (read: President Obama) as the conference leader, accompanied by his state secretary, John Kerry. They sat side by side on the right and left with the emirs and the gulf princes as well as members of their delegation around a long table. The meeting was, as shown in the photographs, interspersed with lots of laughter and jokes.

Saudi delegation led by the crown prince Muhammad bin Nayef and his deputy Muhammad bin Salman, the Qatar delegation was guided by its emir, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad. Next, the Oman delegation headed by the deputy prime minister Sheikh Fahd bin Mahmud Al Sa’id, the Kuwaiti delegation led by Sheikh Shabah al Ahmad as Shabah, United Arab Emirates delegation by the crown prince of Abu Dhabi Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, and the Bahrain delegation led by the crown prince Amir Salman bin Hamad al-Khalifah.

There were three main materials discussed which were a proposal from the delegation of the Gulf countries. First, the impact of Iran nuclear reactor agreement on the security of Middle East regions, especially the Gulf countries. Second, how to fight against terrorist groups and other radical militia that now flourish in the Middle East region, such as ISIS, al Qaeda, Bako Haram, the Taliban, and so on. Third, prolonged conflict which is happening in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Libya and its implications for regional security.

Surprisingly, the problem of the Palestinians with the Israel occupation was not included in the meeting agenda. No explanation of the delegation on this matter. It could be because the Israel is now considered no longer harmful for the security of the Gulf countries, so the Palestinian issue disappeared from circulation.

After going through three meetings and interspersed bilateral meetings between Obama and each delegate of six Gulf countries, an agreement was reached. The point was an agreement on Iran's nuclear reactor will not affect the good relations between the US and the Gulf countries that have lasted for seven decades. On the contrary, anyone who disturbs the security of Gulf countries would be US’s enemies too.

In short, the meeting ended with a happy ending. After meeting with the uncle, the emirs and the ruler princes of rich Gulf countries could return to their respective countries with a quiet and comfortable. They could dream while sleeping in a private jet plane traveling a distance of about 10,800 km.

When they reached each of their palaces, they will smile at the encouraging news. '' Strategic of Defense and Security Cooperation and Joint Operation against Iran Dangers has been agreed,'' the headline of al Sharq al Awsat a few hours after the Camp David meeting.  “Camp David: US Vows to Face Each Enemy which Disrupt Gulf Security, '' wrote Aljazeera.net in the headline.

However, the meeting in Camp David also has emphasized that the conflict between countries or blocks of countries in the Middle East appeared increasingly sharp. The suspicion between them has not been vanished. Camp David meeting only generated US’s pledge to protect the security of the Gulf countries which were wealthy.


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