Kamis 07 Dec 2023 16:07 WIB

Almost 100 Percent People Obey Calls to Boycott Israel: Research

MUI recommends Indonesian Muslims avoid buying any products affiliated with Israel.

The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI)
The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Center for the Study of Fatwa and Islamic Law (Pusfahim) of Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah released the results of a study on the influence of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) fatwa regarding boycotting Israeli products or any product affiliated with Israel. The results indicate that as many as 95 percent of the public declared their willingness to obey the fatwa.

“This research found that the MUI fatwa has a very high acceptance among the community. There are 95 percent of respondents stated that they obey and implement the MUI fatwa,” said a Pusfahim Researcher, Musa Wardi, in South Tangerang, on Tuesday (5/12/2023).

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Musa mentioned that this case study was carried out to analyse the impact of MUI fatwa No 83/2023 on Supporting Palestinian Struggle.

As for the survey, 1,014 respondents were randomly obtained through a Google form. With this method, the level of public confidence reached 95 percent, while the margin of error was approximately 1.79 percent.

The study showed that 367 people who professed to adhere to the community were aged 45 and over,; 297 people aged 35-45; 165 people aged 25-35; and 138 people aged 15-25.

Related to the reasons for obeying the fatwa, as many as 47 percent of respondents welcomed it because of a religious reason, 46 percent because of a humanitarian call, and 7 percent for other reasons.

Regarding knowledge of the fatwa, 97 percent of respondents knew about the existence of this fatwa and 3 percent did not know. Regarding knowledge of the content of the fatwa, 94 percent of the respondents knew and 6 percent did not know the content.

A total of 94 respondents stated that they understood the content of the fatwa, and 6 percent said they did not understand the content of the fatwa.

The sources of information obtained by respondents to know this fatwa are from the mass media in the internet (online) and off-network (offline).

A total of 34 percent of respondents claimed to know information from social media, 15 percent read directly a copy of the fatwa, 7 percent from daily chats, 6 percent from the official MUI website, and 4 percent from the head or administrator of the MUI.

“Subsequent research findings state that expressions of obedience to MUI fatwas can be diverse, from socialization to action. Then, the MUI fatwa has a real influence and contributes to providing solutions to humanitarian problems (in Palestine),” Musa said.

The launch of the research results was carried out directly by the Chairman of Pusfahim MUI Asrorun Niam Sholeh, who also initiated the national seminar on Fatwa and Humanitarian Responsibility recently.

The Palestinian Ambassador to Indonesia, Zuhair Al Shun, who attended the seminar expressed her appreciation for the MUI fatwa which strongly supports the Palestinian struggle.

“The MUI fatwa is very beneficial to the commitment of the Palestinian Struggle, and at the same time tremendous support, that Palestine is not alone in its struggle,” Zuhair said.


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